国际创伤教育中心 & Care

Trauma occurs when a person experiences something that is perceived as 物理ly or 情感ly threatening. These experiences produce feelings of exceeding stress, 恐怖, 或无助, and can produce lasting effects upon the individual's mental, 物理, 情感, 精神健康. 这种创伤很普遍, 不考虑社会经济因素, race, 性别, 或者世界各地的宗教.

The Center’s main goal is to provide trauma-informed 教育 and care to people and places around the globe as we model the compassion of Jesus by helping to prevent traumatization or re-traumatization while promoting long-term healing from trauma. 我们提供创伤知情意识, 教育, and tools to support prevention and healing in organizations, 学校, 教堂, 和社区 across the world acknowledging that the work of becoming trauma-informed is a continual journey. 

A Post-Disaster Mental Health Team is an additional resource available to those we serve. Made up of an interdisciplinary team of trained professionals, it was created to offer a more immediate response to traumatic events. “Post-disaster” is defined as at least 72 hours after a disaster, when there is some stabilization but up to one year after the crisis event. 这个团队可以提供情感支持, 创伤心理教育, 以及与当地资源的联系.



Are you interested in having our a member of the 创伤教育 Team speak to your group, 组织或在一个事件中? 使用这个 简式 提交请求! 

恢复 - These seven brief videos have been made to educate, 激励, 并为实际的改变装备工具! Great for sharing during church services or other event programming.  Produced in partnership with the Health Ministries Department of the Seveth-day Adventist North American Division. 

Scriptual追求-Discussions on the intersections of faith and trauma with Dr. Glenn Russell and Trauma Ed Executive Director, Ingrid Slikkers.  
真正的家庭谈话-希望频道 -Engaging, informative, and spiritual discussions on  issues facing today's families.
Dr. 达斯汀年轻, Director of Higher Eduction Intitatives, talks with 真正的家庭 主持人威利和伊莱恩·奥利弗. 


Shifting our Lens: Practical Trauma-informed Approaches for Educators——《基督复临教育杂志

Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart: Tools for Emotional Healing is filled with the stories of real people who have had the courage to face the pain of their abuse, 上瘾和关系挑战.  Written by博士.大卫和贝弗利·塞德拉切克夫妇.



The Impact of Trauma: How Do We Present Jesus to Those So Fractured?

Revealing Jesus in the Learning Environment: Experiences of Christian Educators 




I英格丽德·斯利克斯(如图), 威利斯之, Yailin孔特雷拉斯, 莱斯利·罗德里格斯(如图), Andrews Participates in Trauma Resiliency Seminar. In collaboration with the Berrien Community Foundation
莱斯利·罗德里格斯 & 英格丽·韦斯·斯利克斯, 呼吸,了解创伤的现实
bet365中文大学校长,博士. 约翰·韦斯利·泰勒, highlights the creation and work of the Trauma Ed Center at GC Annual Council, as part of the university’s “Mission in Action”.

达斯汀年轻, 创伤教育中心工作人员,  Partners with Adventist Information Ministry to Create a New Suicide Prevention Course.


在2022-2023学年, 我们的两个实习生, 内萨·恩迪亚耶和马西·陈, supported the Bourj Hammoud Adventist Learning Center (ALC) in Beirut, 黎巴嫩, 为叙利亚难民儿童工作的人.


第6页: 保护我们的孩子免受虐待 大卫Sedlacek

23页: bet365中文大学's Institute for Prevention of Addictions(IPA) and International Cent for 创伤教育 & Care now share a combined location-Shalom House.


David and Beverly Sedlacek's “Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart: Tools for Emotional Healing” will be displayed at the Hong Kong Book Fair


第7页: Co-curricular short course on Understanding Trauma, presented by Emma Vanderwaal

20页: 创伤知情学术伙伴关系

铂族元素34: Partnering with Kevin Brown, Assistant to the President for Strategic Enterprise


Message of Restoration Permeates Trauma 培训 at bet365中文大学. - Program is an attachment-based intervention designed to meet the needs of vulnerable children.


  使用这个 link to hear Erick share his testimony about the importance of trauma awareness in the church.


   培训 pastors and church leadership in faith-based trauma-informed practices helps them in responding to the needs of the congregation and community by integrating this knowledge into the planning of ministries, 政策, 以及教会资源的管理.




愿希望之神充满你...as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope...



Social Work students get plenty of experience as they provide training.

"The opportunity to bring awareness and empower people to heal from their trauma is both a privilege and a responsibility.——乔安娜·里维拉

"Jesus is in the business of bringing people restoration. If I can have any part in His ministry of healing, I consider that an honor.——凯特琳·坎贝尔


To help facilitate an understanding of long-term faith-based healing from trauma as well as prevent re-traumatization by offering trauma informed awareness, 教育, and tools to support healing for individuals, 组, 和社区.


Are you interested in having a member of our team speak to your group, 组织或在一个事件中?

然后用这个短的 form 提交请求. 

Are you interested in joining a future trauma 教育 course or just have some questions?
给我们发个信息 traumacare@rvnetguy.com 或者通过呼叫 (269) 471-3559.


Do you want to learn more about trauma-informed practices, 查看一些资源, or stay up to date on what the Center is up to?  看看我们的网站 脸谱网 or Instagram


If you would like to support the Center's work, you can use the  捐赠 按钮,或单击此 link.

